Ecstatic Truth

  • Sierra Foothills, California, United States
Ecstatic Truth

A note on Ecstatic Truth -

"The foreground goal is, of course, to deliver a delicious bottle of wine. But behind it all is an idea that a wine should be enough - a confluence of time and place - and that technical issues and craft should only matter to the maker, providing an aesthetic framework, but never to those who consume and enjoy it.

The wines I am making under the Ecstatic Truth label aim to be transparently 'wine'. Because I will not include grape names or vineyard locations, the wine drinker has to fall back on the one thing left to him or her - personal opinion. How does it taste? and, do I like it?" - Hank Beckmeyer

Image Producer PRODUCT Description Country / Region

Ecstatic Truth Ecstatic Truth "Recliner"
Red blend
"Recliner" is a Sierra Foothills red blend from Hank Beckmeyer's exciting Ecstatic Truth project. "It is a new way of looking at wine and...
United States